Lecture: Developing adult learning communities in physical and digital spaces

Time and Date: Tuesday, 17.05.22, 7 pm (German time)

Lecturer:  Hugh Busher, PhD, former Associate Professor of the University of Leicester, UK

This presentation discusses how communities of learners develop and can be developed. Drawing on the experiences of adult learners who return to college to get better qualifications and Seniors learning in the time of Covid, it shows how such communities develop in physical and hybrid spaces in order to help their members learn successfully.

Please write to m.kuch@ileu.net if you wish to participate but need translation for this event (BG, RO, SRB or GER)

Access to Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 838 8067 7052
Kenncode: 204634


May 17 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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