Lecture: Online interview with Karina Beigelzimer about the situation in Odessa

Date and Time: 16.01.2023 7 p.m. (CET)

Speaker: Karina Beigelzimer

Karina Beigelzimer lives in the Ukrainian port city of Odessa, where she works as a journalist and teacher. In March and September 2023, we interviewed her about what everyday life is like there and how the war has changed the way of life.

In the online event on January 16 at 7 pm, she will once again report on the current situation in Odessa. The interview will focus on the ecological consequences of the war, the situation of refugees within Ukraine and the state of mind among the population.

This lecture will be held in German with translation to EN, UKR and RO.


Access data for Zoom:


Meeting-ID: 838 8067 7052

Kenncode: 204634


This lecture is organised in the frame of the DANECT project by ILEU e.V. – all information on danect.eu or contact us on info@ileu.net.


Jan 16 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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