Lecture: Public Open University Zagreb, the largest adult education institution in Croatia with Ana Majurić

Date and Time: 12.03.2024 7 p.m. (C.E.T.)

Speaker: Ana Majurić

Ana Majurić is the deputy director of the Public Open University Zagreb and has 20 years of experience in adult education. By profession, she is an English and Croatian teacher with a lot of experience in writing and implementing projects financed by local municipalities, ministries, and EU projects. She is an assistant trainer for education programs for andragogic workers.  From 2022, she has been the Erasmus+ ambassador for adult education for the Republic of Croatia. In the period from 2020 to 2023, she had an additional role as a Head of the University for the Third Age and has experience in the organizational aspect as well as program aspects of the University for the Third Age, being also an active lecturer for third-age people.

In the online event on March 12 at 7 pm, she will talk about the Public Open University Zagreb which has a 117 year long tradition, with the presentation of their current work and projects. Special emphasis will be on the Third Age University, on educational and cultural programs for retired people, and the benefit third-age people gain from attending these courses.

This lecture will be held in English with translation to GER, UKR, RO

Access data for Zoom:


Meeting-ID: 838 8067 7052

Kenncode: 204634


This lecture is organised in the frame of the DANECT project by ILEU e.V. – all information on danect.eu or contact us on info@ileu.net.


Mar 12 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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