International online event: “Show me the “green” in your city”
In the context of the German Digital Day and the Ulm Environment Week, we would like to present on this day the best submissions of the photo competition “Show me the “green” in your city” and the platform ViMA danube (vima-danube.eu).
The photo contest is open to all people from Europe and the Danube countries. We would like to use it to raise awareness about the topic of “green city” and invite people to share their ideas online on ViMA danube afterwards.
If you would like to participate in the photo competition you will find all information at
This lecture will be held in English with translation to GER, BG, SRB, UKR and RO. If you will join but need other translation than listed here, please contact m.kuch@ileu.net so we can try to find additional translations.
Access data for Zoom:
Meeting ID: 836 7867 7012
Identifier code: 332882