Kick-off online working group in English on the topic
“Sharing traditions and cultural treasures – a get together”
Moderator: Carmen Rouhiainen
How does intangible culture connect us as Europeans? What customs and traditions can we learn
from our Danube Neighbours? We would like to start a working group where we talk and share
cultural treasures with each other based on different topics: for ex. special holidays, festivals and
customs in your countries, most famous cultural treasures of your country etc. We invite you for a
get-together to discuss ideas for the upcoming working groups.
Language: English as bridge language, mutual help for understanding in all participant languages.
Access via ZOOM:
Meeting-ID: 882 2982 2995
Password: 030049
Join by phone: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcUNOcdCKl