Lecture: The importance of the European elections 2024

Topic: The importance of the European elections 2024

Lecturer: Katharina Lauhöfer, head of the Europe Direct Center at the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm, Germany

Katharina Lauhöfer is head of the Europe Direct Center at the Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm. She has degrees in European Studies and Political and administrative science. In her daily work she is
contact person for European topics on site. With a wide variety of events and campaigns, the Europe Direct Center provides information on current EU issues and engages in discussions with local people to find out what moves them about Europe. In the run-up to the European elections alone, over 20 events and campaigns are taking place. The Europe Direct Center is part of an EU-wide network with currently around 435 locations in the 27 EU member states.

In the online event on May 21, Katharina Lauhöfer will talk about the European elections, which will take place from June 6-9 in the 27 EU member states. She will address the following questions:

European elections: When, how, where, who?
What exactly is the European Parliament?
What role does the EU, and the European Parliament in particular Parliament, play for us as citizens?
Why does our vote count in the European elections?

Join, get informed and most importantly: use the opportunity to ask your questions and share your opinion about the topic!

This lecture will be held in English with translation to GER, BG, SRB, UKR and RO.


Access data for Zoom:


Meeting-ID: 838 8067 7052

Kenncode: 204634


This lecture is organised in the frame of the DANECT project by ILEU e.V. – all information on danect.eu or contact us on danect@ileu.net.

Image source: © Europäische Union, 2024 – https://together.europarl.europa.eu


May 21 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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