Lecture: „Lifelong learning for All“

Time and Date: Tuesday, 18.01.22, 19:00 (German time)

Lecturer:  Tihomir Žiljak, Vice President of the Croatian Andragogy Society, member of the board of DANET e.V.

The presentation will explain the relationship between lifelong learning and inclusive policy for disadvantaged groups. Disadvantage is often based on social identity, which may be across dimensions of gender, age, location (eg. people who live in deprived areas), occupation, skills (eg. low-skilled people), race, ethnicity (ethnic minorities such as the Roma people), religion, citizenship status, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity, among other factors. In the presentation the concept of lifelong learning and the application of this concept in educational policy processes will be described. The emphasis will be on the educational barriers that disadvantaged groups have and the opportunities for their inclusion in various forms of education and learning provided by this concept. There are dispositional, situational and institutional barriers for disadvantaged groups and different understandings of inclusiveness, equity and equality within lifelong learning. Finally, the basic elements of inclusive policies and the importance of education and learning within these policies will be briefly explained. Different approaches will be presented through key documents and documents of international organizations (UNESCO, OECD, EU).

The lecture will be in English, consecutive translation in Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian and German will be provided.


Access to  Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83022036427?pwd=YWZXSjZzV1RTNWh6YzdaaUhjNFNrQT09

Meeting-ID: 830 2203 6427, Kenncode: uf4UxN


Jan 18 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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