The international online Platform “ViMA-Danube” as a challenge and a chance to foster communication, cooperation and learning between people of the Danube region – how to get involved?

Date & Time: Thursday, 10.03.2022, 19.00 (German time)

Moderation: Carmen Stadelhofer, Marina Kuch, Ileu e.V.

We invite you to inform yourself and to take actively part in a new possibility to enlarge our communication and foster cooperation and mutual learning by digital means: the creation of the online platform “ViMA-Danube”.

Background: In December 2021 the online platform, ViMA-Ulm was launched by ILEU e.V. in cooperation with the city of Ulm. ViMA-Ulm means Virtuell.Mitmachen.Aktiv (be virtually involved in an active way). It is an open, multifunctional online platform, intended to become the digital meeting place for Ulm citizens with various forms to act and to cooperate.

In our online sessions “Young and old shape together the future of Europe” which took place in Sep.-Dec. of last year the participants asked to have an online platform to further exchange in the frame of their own personal initiative. We are glad to announce that the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg reacted to this demand and supports ILEU e.V. financially to develop an international and multilingual online platform called “ViMA-Danube” based on the model of ViMA-Ulm (

Aim is to give citizens of the Danube countries in their diversity the opportunity to meet with others online and to exchange about common interests and activities. Together with you, we want to create a lively interactive platform where curious people can share their experiences and interests on a personal level or build up groups for small projects of common interests in various areas such as culture, ecology, politics and others. It is a chance to be connected with people from all over the Danube region and beyond!

Take part and get to know the platform’s idea and how you can use it. We will present to you the various possibilities to include your ideas and your personal abilities. But we also need your experiences and ideas in this digital field.

We will also present ideas on how you can actively take part in the development of this platform and its contents by supporting us as “ViMA-Danube Volunteers” who will be trained to take over technical or content tasks on this platform.

Interested? Please join us on 10th March at 19:00 (German time) via the following link

Meeting-ID: 834 7752 7647
Kenncode: 722509


This event is held in English. If translations into other languages are needed, please let us know beforehand! If you are not able to join this event but are interested in the idea, please get in contact with us. (

We will be happy to welcome you!


Mar 10 2022


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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