76. Come Together Session – 8 October 2023 “Sfârşit de toamnă” (engl. Late autumn), a poem of Vasile AlecsandriDownload “Haus der Dingle Siegle” (eng. Charity department store), a presentation and interview with Dr Pia SchmückerDownload Haus der Dingle Siegle (Charity department store) – Pictures “Tata m-o-nvăţat mereu” (eng. “My father always taught me”) a songcomposed and performed by Daniela CrişanDownload “Jeseni Moja…” (eng. Autumn of mine…), a poem by Aleksa ŠantićDownload “ЗІЛЛЯ” (eng. Potion), a song composed and performed by Olesya ChaikaDownload “Ce te legeni, codrule” (engl. Why do you sway, forest), a poem by Mihai EminescuDownload