The Project DANECT
Danube-Networkers invite: Come together for connecting people and cultures along the Danube and Europe!
“Danube-Networkers invite: Come together by Culture”. DANECT brings together people of all ages, especially senior citizens, from all over Europe, especially the Danube region, to network online. Born out of the coronavirus crisis, the project still helps people to exchange ideas when there is no opportunity to meet in person. With the help of online video meetings, participants share their knowledge, interests, emotions and also their skills through their own contributions (singing, music, poetry, presentations) at Sunday meetings, lectures by experts or in working groups; they brush up their language skills (currently EN, FR, IT) in international conversation groups. DANECT is now in its third year of funding from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation
Take a look at our online activities

Our Sponsors
The project was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung.

The website was funded by Partnerschaft für Demokratie Ulm.