Danube-Networkers Advent Calendar

Dear friends,
Christmas time is a special time, a time we usually spend with family and friends. Due to the corona crisis it is not possible for many of us to celebrate Christmas the way we did before. That is why the Danube Networkers and friends have prepared something special for you – a digital advent calendar. Click of the number of the day starting from the 1st of December. Behind every little box there is a unique Christmas-themed contribution from a country in Europe with warm greetings, to brighten your day. There are many Christmas contributions and traditions to discover, under the motto “United in Diversity”.
Every morning at 10 am (German time) you can open the new advent calendar “door”.
Find here the overview of the Advent calendar contributions!
We wish you a lot of fun getting to know different cultures and traditions every day! Visit the website every day till the 25th of December to discover a new unique contribution!
See also our German Advent calendar – click here: http://vives-bw.de/adventskalender/
With christmas greetings, the ILEU Team