Urban green for the future

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The Patevata maaza and the Patevata`s house are among the five restored landmark buildings for the city of Karlovo, included in the
“Old Karlovo” tourist complex. The Patevata maaza has been turned into a tourist information center. Potions, homemade
cosmetics with flowers and essential oils are prepared according to old recipes, rose oil, rose brandy, mint syrup, herbal teas are
tasted. Some of the initiatives during the annual festival of essential oil crops take place here.
Ivanka Baltova, Karlovo

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My mom Veni and dad Vladi built a new house, and in the yard – an organic garden for vegetables and fruits, so that we can eat them and be healthy.
Galin Velikov, Ruse

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I am 6 and half years old but I really like to help in the garden – weeding, watering the plants, mowing the lawn at the ball games. I am very surprised when sometimes a very large pumpkin or potato grows out of the ground. How does this thing work?
Galin Velikov, Ruse

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The Izvora complex is built entirely in the traditional Arbanak style and skillfully combines an ancient building and a newly built architectural ensemble. The huge summer garden combines a mini zoo with fascinating specimens such as peacocks, parrots, pigeons and rabbits, with modern arranged flowerbeds.
Ralica Vasileva-Ivanova, Ruse

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The complex also offers its guests an outdoor swimming pool, a relaxation area and a children’s playground. The green areas are arranged in a modern style, and antique elements have been preserved. The garden is a wonderful example of freshness, colourfulness and tranquility.
Ralica Vasileva-Ivanova, Ruse

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Urban green for the future: Over the last years, the centres of several big cities such as Frankfurt changed and the number of
buildings dedicated to offices and apartments grew. However, this also produces an increase in temperatures and makes air quality
and pollution get worse. In order to stop this, Frankfurt decided to become a more sustainable city by setting out some green
urbanism strategies. One of these strategies promote green rooftops and façades (living walls) of new building in the city centre.
During a stroll through the city I found a freely accessible and green urban oasis: the Skyline Garden. Here a small park including an
insect hotel has been built on the top of a skyscraper.
Mariella Scalera, Frankfurt am Main

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This year the federal garden show is in Mannheim, in the Luisenpark and on the Spinelli site. In one part of the garden show, forward-looking models will be shown of how our cities can be made more environmentally friendly, and not only in theory, but also
with many practical examples, here green plants on walls
Janina Cares, Mannheim

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Near my home.
Christin Witzler, Erbach

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Small planted places next to the roads can also be also useful for insects.
Susanne Steck, Ulm

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A king of flowers and which thus should be protected for everyone in rose garden.
Poonam Poonam, Ulm

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An extensive green roof on our garage. Due to the long drought of the last few weeks, the grass has withered. Only leeks, succulents
and chives defy the drought.
As soon as it rains again, the grass will sprout again.
Peter Meyer, Ulm

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The picture shows a green solution in an urban space for a fence or partition. There is soil between the grids in which the plants
grow, thus creating a green wall. In a small space that would otherwise only be taken up by a fence or wall, a large-scale plant
installation is created with diverse vegetation and grenn vitalisation. which could be done by many peeople. The living wall at the
house of our friends delights everyone who sees it and is an important contribution to making our city greener.
Bertram Wegemer, Ulm

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In this picture we see a path that forces us to think. The left side of the path embraced with many green plants, the right side completely bare. Hopefully the left side will inspire somebody.
Martina Spodareva, Ulm

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For a colourfull future.
Ulrich Petri, Ulm

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Our house, overgrown with ivy on the side. It is a paradise for birds. I love to listen to them. In front, we have vertical solar panels. We use it for loading our electrocar.
Iris Humpenöder, Ulm

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Our house, overgrown with ivy on the side. It is a paradise for birds. I love to listen to them. In front, we have vertical solar panels. We use it for loading our electrocar.
Iris Humpenöder, Ulm

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A large flower pot. Even in those places where it seems impossible to plant trees or flowers, a good idea comes. This is the idea of large vases. They can be easily transported and installed.
Roman Varshavsky, Ulm / Ukraine

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It’s so nice to take a walk on a sunny morning or a warm evening after work, listening to the splash of the river and the singing of birds. It’s nice to walk slowly along the Danube, where the century-old walls of the former fortress, entwined with greenery and dotted with small colourful flowers, remind us of ancient castles with ivy-covered walls. And then, full of impressions, in a good mood, we move on to a new day.
Natalia Smyrnova, Ulm/Ukraine

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Happy moments in a big city.
Among the variety of colors of greenery, ponds occupy a majestic place. They are home to a large number of bird species. Watching
them is a great pleasure. In big cities, it is important to create as many such places as possible.
Dana Sidko, Ulm / Ukraine

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It doesn’t matter what kind of landscaping it is, the main thing is that it should be alive. In the age of computer technology, we forget about nature. This is a very dangerous trend. In order not to look at flowers in computer graphics later, we need to start greening our planet now.
Olena Konovalenko, Hüttisheim/Ukraine

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When I look through the window, I see the high buildings and a lot of cables and electric lines. But I still concentrate for the trees. They keep me calm, when I’m stressed and inspirate me, when I need good ideas. I watch the birds on the trees or how wind is playing with the leaves. Green places – specially trees- are very important in the cities to save our mental healthy.
Gárdonyi Adrienn, Budapest

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I saw this composition in the plaza of our city and I really liked it because it suggests cheerfulness. It would be nice to have more
colorful, cheerful plants in the city in the places where a lot of people go every day, because they make
the mood of the people and of the city better and happier.
Piroska László, Budapest

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The skyline of the industrial area of Porto Torres – only a few decades have seen material prosperity, leaving environmental desolation in outrageous proportions, a Site of National Interest. Trees have been planted to begin to reverse soil pollution through their phytoremediation capacities, while at the same time improving air and water quality. A project for the future can thus expand urban space to enhance social, cultural and economic contexts.
Angela Louise Pudda, Porto Torres

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Many bus stops in Cluj Napoca -Romania have small green plants planted on their roofs. Besides beautifying the surroundings, they
also provide coolness in summer while you wait for the bus.
Elena Muste, Cluj Napoca

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In the city of Timisoara, the cultural capital of Europe 2023, there is a 26-meter vertical garden, containing 1306 plants. This
viewpoint is located in Victory square and promotes biodiversity.
In December, when the metal structure will be dismantled, the plants will be available for purchase.
Dragan Doina, Timisoara

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A wall can be beautified if it is covered with greenery. Also, in the battle against cement, green has to win! Everywhere, every step is
Dragan Doina, Timisoara

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A dividing wall is cold and sad. But what a big change it is when it becomes “green”. Full of life, joy and of future. Full of hope for the generations to come!
Ana Zlibut, Timisoara

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With this picture I want to show what it means to plant trees for the future so that on a hot summer day when on a road without trees the temperature reaches 50 degrees, in the shade of trees the temperature is 25 degrees and this means more comfort for people and less fuel consumption for cars.
Elena Bardac, Timisoara

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Industrial Landscape
The city and the steel plant were from the beginning in an almost perfect symbiosis, the city providing labor (workers) and the steel
plant providing welfare.
Over time, an area rich in trees, vines and orchards appeared between the city and the steel plant, forming a green protective
curtain for the city.
Mioara Ardieleanu, Galati

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The Public Garden in Galati was established in 1846, when 3500 trees were planted. The Public Garden has an area of about 100,000 square meters, being a recreational area, where many city events are organized. In the center of the garden there is an artesian fountain built in 1964. It has a marble outline in the form of an ornamental mosaic, a mosaic that foreshadows the main economic activities of the city. It is a place appreciated by the residents and especially by the children who can ride on rollers, bicycles, scooters, etc.
Danaila Florica, Galati

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In the middle of some blocks there is a “Viva” park which, in addition to the green oasis, also has a space for sports, with modern equipment, a playground for children and a small lake over which a bridge crosses. In summer we find exotic fish, water lilies and many flowers around the lake. The small park is a place to relax in the summer.
Roxana Maria Bacanu, Galati

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If you want to hear the birds sing, don’t buy a cage, plant a tree! Oak grows only where there is good soil! We planted it with love and in a place with deep roots in the spirituality of our city, at the “Dunarea de Jos” University in Galati!
Stefan Bacanu, Galati

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Buildings without trees are incomplete, that’s why is wonderful to harmonize the whole nature with urbanization.
Ana-Maria Militaru, Galati

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The floral clock in Gradina Mare, Braila has been telling the exact time since 1956. Besides the fact that it is the first city in the country to boast a floral clock, it is also a very beautiful floral arrangement, aesthetically pleasing.
Daniela Ibanescu, Galati

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For the future a project for the bike path on the Danube bank, between Galati and Braila. Those who will ride their bikes through the forest will be able to admire the biodiversity of the place, the beauty of the river and the bridge over the Danube.
Bira Verman Mariana Daniela, Galati

The protected natural asset of the SP “Fisherman’s Island” is located in Vojvodina, the northern autonomous province of Serbia, on the banks of the Danube, at the 1255th kilometer of the river in the Danube, in the city of Novi Sad. It belongs to the South Bačka District, K.O. Novi Sad II. Table 1: Coordinates of the central point Altitude: min. 77.50 m asl – max. 79.00 m above sea level, Greenwich Mean Time, 45? 13 ’57 “N – 19? 50′ 37” E, Gauss-Krieger 5010.427 – 7409.214. Both “islands” are connected to the embankment by their
western sides. Location, more precisely the parcels (source: RGZ, E cadastre) that are included in the Initiative are: 4290/1 KO Veternik, 2988 / 1KO Veternik, 2990 / 1KO Veternik, 2990/2 KO Veternik, 7847/3, 7852/2, 7391 / 2, 7391 / 4,7852 / 2, 7390 / 1,7390 / 2,
7386/1 all KO Novi Sad II.
Daniela Stojkovic Jovanovic, Novi Sad

On behalf of the Informal Group of Citizens Dunavac Šodroš / 2020…
Daniela Stojkovic Jovanovic, Novi Sad

The green river divides the city while its beautiful bridges reconnect the banks. There is a lot of greenery bending over the river protecting its mysteries. It seems to be telling peaceful stories of the past while observing the new development of the city and imagining its future.
Vida Vilhar Pobegajlo, Ljubljana
United Kingdom

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Pershore is a very old small market town, and there are several new housing estates being built. They all have a large open space for
everyone to enjoy with playgrounds for children to use.
Auriol Ainley, Pershore

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Front gardens along a major road in Keyworth. The photo was taken a few years ago during the Tour of Britain. The gardens are still as green! And there are many spaces like this in Keyworth
Hugh Busher, Keyworth

City center. View of the Uzh River from the bridge.
Daria Golyaminskykh, Uzhhorod

Embankment. View of the bridge and the Uzh river.
Daria Golyamonsky, Uzhhorod