Category: “Come Together” Sessions

71. Come Together Session- 11 June 2023

Every second Sunday at 6:30 pm (German Time) the Danube networkers invite people from the Danube countries and all over Europe to an online session COME TOGETHER! Connecting people by Culture. A colourful programme is organised via the video conference system ZOOM. There is something for everyone – music presentations, singing, dance and time witness reports from different countries. These are not contributions from professionals out of the box, but according to the motto “from friends for friends!” members of the transnational network and guests design the programme themselves.

70. Come Together Session- 21 May 2023

Every second Sunday the Danube networkers invite people from the Danube countries and all over Europe to an online session COME TOGETHER! Connecting people by Culture. A colourful programme is organised via the video conference system ZOOM. There is something for everyone – music presentations, singing, dance and time witness reports from different countries. These are not contributions from professionals out of the box, but according to the motto “from friends for friends!” members of the transnational network and guests design the programme themselves.

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