Category: Uncategorized

97. Come together Session “Celebrating International Womens's Day” 09.03.25

Dear colleagues and friends from the Danube region and other European countries

We cordially invite you to the 97th international session by Videoconferencing: Come together! Connecting people by culture!

Time and date: Sunday, 09.03.2025, 6:30 p.m. (CET), in some of your countries 7:30 p.m., in other ones 5:30 p.m.

In celebration of International Women´s Day, we are excited to offer a special session that is not to be missed! Prepare for an evening filled with inspirational presentations on women´s education, gender equality, and the remarkable stories of women from the Danube region. Join us in celebrating the female power and the remarkable achievements of women everywhere!

This session will be moderated by Carmen Stadelhofer (ILEU e.V.)

The program:

Language: The session will be in English with translation into Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian and German.

Access to the session:

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272

Picture by Mohit Pareek –

96. Come together Session “Come Together, Cook Together” 25.02.25

Spaghetti al Limone

We cordially invite you our very a special, different kind of Come Together session: “Come together, Cook together!”

Time and date: Tuesday, 25th of February 20256.30 p.m. (CET), some countries 7.30 p.m. (Bulgaria and Romania), in other countries 5.30 p.m. (in England).

You think cooking together via video conferencing doesn’t work?

Why not try it out with us! We had such a nice evening with you during our last “Come together, Cook together” that we’re excited to invite you to join us for another fun and delicious evening! Let’s chop, chat, and have a memorable evening together!

This time Bertram will prepare Spaghetti al Limone – a recipe he was introduced to by his Sardinian friend Gabriele. It tastes delicious and is easy to cook!

We provide the recipe with the ingredients you need and in the end we can all eat together a wonderful meal via Zoom.

You can download the recipe in different languages here:







If you enjoy cooking or would like some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place.

Don’t forget – the best parties take place in the kitchen!

The session will be in English, please let us know for organisation reasons if you plan to join so we see which translation would be required. Please write to

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

95. Come together Session "All about Romania" 16.02.25

Dear colleagues and friends from Europe and other areas,

we cordially invite you to the 95th Session – Danube-Networkers invite: “Come together! Connecting people by culture”  

Time and date: Sunday, 16th of February 202518:30 h (German time), in some of your countries 19:30, in other ones 17:30.

This Sunday you are invited to learn more about Romania through interesting presentations realized by participants from different regions of Romania, poem, beautiful songs and musical score at Taragot, a woodwind instrument. Let`s discover together Romania!

This session will be moderated by Ana Zlibut (Writers’ League Timisoara Banat Branch) and Marina Kuch (ILEU)

The program:

Language: The session will be in English with translation into German, Romanian, Bulgarian and Ukrainian.

Access to the session:

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272


94. Christmas Come together Session 22.12.24

We cordially invite you to the 94th Session – Danube-Networkers invite: “Come together! Connecting people by culture!”  

Time and date: Sunday, 22nd of December 202418:30-20.00 (6.30-8.00 pm) German, Italian and Serbian time, some countries 7.30 pm (19:30) (Bulgaria and Romania), in other countries 5.30 pm (17.30) (in England).

You’re invited to our special Christmas Come Together Session filled with music, poems and traditions from the Danube region! We’ll enjoy a variety of Christmas carols and performances from Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Serbia, and Ukraine. Additionally, you will learn the meaning of the Romanian dessert Cozonac and how it is made (maybe it will inspire you to try it yourself 🙂 ). Join us for our Christmas get together!

This session will be moderated by Marina Kuch (ILEU, Germany)

The program:

Language: The session will be in English with translation into Romanian, Bulgarian and German.

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

If you would like to test your Zoom-connection, camera or microphone please join the test session at 18.00, (German time)

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272


93. Come together Session 01.12.24

Dear colleagues and friends from Europe and other areas,

we cordially invite you to the 93rd Session – Danube-Networkers invite: “Come together! Connecting people by culture!” :

UkraineExploring its Land, Culture, and People” presented by Ukrainian refugees and partners of ILEU from Ukraine

Time and date: Sunday, 1st of December 202418:30-20.00 (6.30-8.00 pm) German, Italian and Serbian time, some countries 7.30 pm (19:30) (Bulgaria and Romania), in other countries 5.30 pm (17.30) (inEngland)

Ukrainian refugee women in Ulm and (if the energy supply allows it) some Ukrainian partners living in Ukraine will present their beloved country – geography, nature, culture, education and more.

The lecture is prepared by a group of refugees in Ulm and will be held in German with translation into English, Bulgarian, Romanian, Ukrainian and Serbian. It is a big challenge for them, but they want to show us how wonderful their country is and that there are many things we don’t know about.

Please come numerously, it is a real discovery tour and a true sign of solidarity!

This session will be moderated by Carmen Stadelhofer (Ulm, Germany) and Olha Antonenko (Ulm, Germany / Odessa, Ukraine)

The program:

Language: The session will be in German with translation into English, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Serbian and Romanian

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

If you would like to test your Zoom-connection, camera or microphone please join the test session at 18.00, (German time)

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272


92. Come together, Cook Together Session 29.11.24

Dear colleagues and friends from Europe and other areas,

we cordially invite you our very a special, different kind of Come Together session!

“Come together, Cook together!”

Time and date: Friday, 29th of November 202418:30-20.00 (6.30-8.00 pm) German, Italian and Serbian time, some countries 7.30 pm (19:30) (Bulgaria and Romania), in other countries 5.30 pm (17.30) (inEngland)

You think cooking together via video conferencing doesn’t work?

Why not try it out with us! As some of you may know during our project Vives we regularly cooked together online. We met for an informal and cosy evening from kitchen to kitchen, tried out recipes and then enjoyed eating what we have created! We would now like to revive this wonderful format on an international scale and cordially invite you to join us this Friday!

Our dear colleague Gabriele Flemming will prepare one of her favourite winter dishes and you are welcome to cook along: Carrot/ginger soup and as dessert Apples baked with goat’s cheese or sheep’s cheese and honey – we provide the recipe with the ingredients you need and in the end we can all eat together a wonderful meal together via Zoom.

If you enjoy cooking or would like some inspiration, you’ve come to the right place. Don’t forget – the best parties take place in the kitchen!

The recipe can be downloaded here:

Language: The session will be in English with translation into Romanian, Bulgarian, German and Ukrainian. 

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

If you would like to test your Zoom-connection, camera or microphone please join the test session at 18.00, (German time)

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272

See you there!

91. Come together Session 17.11.24

We cordially invite you to the 91st Session – Danube-Networkers invite: “Come together! Connecting people by culture!”  

Time and date: Sunday, 17th of November 202418:30-20.00 (6.30-8.00 pm) German, Italian and Serbian time, some countries 7.30 pm (19:30) (Bulgaria and Romania), in other countries 5.30 pm (17.30) (inEngland)

We invite you to join our presentation session Bulgaria – Beyond Creativity – History and Culture, which will be hosted by students and lecturers from the University of Rousse, representatives of adult clubs and cultural community centres. You will enjoy a video about the students’ training, presentations about the activities of the seniors, beautiful songs, poetry and many beautiful photos collected by the students of the University.

This session will be moderated by Emiliya Velikova (University of Ruse, Bulgaria) and Carmen Stadelhofer (ILEU, Germany)

Language: The session will be in English with translation into Romanian, Bulgarian, German and Ukrainian.

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

If you would like to test your Zoom-connection, camera or microphone please join the test session at 18.00, (German time)

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272


Invitation 90. Come together Session 22.10.24

Dear colleagues and friends from Europe and other areas,

we cordially invite you to join the 90th Come Together Session of the Danube-Networkers devoted to the topic: “Fostering Citizen Participation & Democracy by digital and analogue tools

Date: October 22, 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 (6:30 P.M., CET)

Developments in many countries raise the question of why people do not seem to be aware of the importance of citizen participation. In particular, however, it seems that the opportunities to get involved are often not even known. During this special Come Together Session, we wish to explore these opportunities across our countries with you. We will collect information on analog and digital political participation opportunities and invite you to share your experiences with us: How have you been involved? Or why haven’t you used the existing possibilities so far? What offers should be made to get more people involved?

Let’s discuss together about this important topic and use this great chance to exchange examples from our own experiences and to brainstorm new ideas together!

Preparation: We encourage you to think about and gather examples from your country / your city beforehand. You can also send them to us in advance to

Languages: The session will be held in English and translated into German, Romanian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, and Serbian.

Moderated by: Carmen Stadelhofer (ILEU e.V.) & Marina Kuch (ILEU e.V.)

Access to the session: 

Danube Networkers invite: Come Together – Connecting people by culture!

Meeting-ID: 886 6791 5552

Kenncode: 569068

If you would like to test your Zoom-connection, camera or microphone please join the test session at 18.00, (German time)

Test Session: Come Together!

Meeting-ID: 831 6592 3062

Kenncode: 917272

Join by phone call:

Best wishes

Let’s come together to inspire each other and strengthen our political engagement!

We look forward to seeing you there!


89. Come together Session 13.10.24

What do you think of when you think of traveling? Getting to know new people and cultures, getting away from everyday life, taking a deep breath…!? Together we would like to explore the topic of traveling: how do you plan a trip, why do you travel at all – but we would also like to talk about what we should pay attention to when we travel, e.g. sustainability. We look forward to your stories, thoughts and tips. We will also hear great travel stories with beautiful pictures and be treated to poems and songs.


Planning a trip with the help of ViMA danube – a guide & examples by our ViMA danube volunteers

Discussion in group: How does traveling connect us? What is important to consider when we travel (e.g. sustainability)?

88. Come Together Session – 29 September 2024

We invite you to join our session on the interesting topic of “Serbia on focus – people, tradition & legacy” where you will learn more about Serbia – a country in the center of Danube basin, but still not well known, and a hidden pearl of Balkan and Europe. You will discover life of first Serbian woman painter and poetess Wilhelmina Mina Karadzic from early 18. Century, hear about young talents that unite Europe, and listen to the song and performance of a talented Serbian musician.

We will also have an interesting discussion about our personal experience from this country: Have you visited Serbia? Do you know some famous persons from or Serbian by origin? Do you know something about Serbian gastronomy, mentality and folklore? Let’s exchange and get to know together Serbia!


Ode to joy (modern version) performed by Mario Dimitrijevic   graduate guitar player and music theoretician (Belgrade, Serbia)

Young talents unite Europe – presentation by Marijana Milankov and her daughter Zoja Medenica (Pancevo, Serbia)

Discussion – Your personal experience about SerbiaDejan Zagorac &  Jelena Djordjevic Milosevic (Belgrade, Serbia)

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